The gun worked. It worked. It worked fine.
Not the sort of thing you pass down to your first-born son, but his father had given it to him none the less. “It will kill for you if you trust it.”
The last words his father had said to him.
The campfire flickered and illuminated the walls of the small room. There was little else to see in there. What had once furnished it was gone. Long ago. It was not advised to stay in the Houses of Old, but he had seen the symbol that meant it was safe. A place to rest. Repaired and maintained by the Bibliotecs.
He had risked lighting a fire for the sake of warmth and a cooked meal. He had let it die down now and focused his attention on the pistol. It was black, though some of the stainless steel was showing through. The five-inch barrel showed a lot of wear but the engraved Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum could still be seen. The original grip had been replaced with a crudely carved lump of wood.
Finding, or making, a new grip would be of his tasks. There is much to find on the road. Or perhaps it is more fitting to say, much can find you on the road. He had never traveled much. The occasional trip to nearby by villages when he was young but things became… different.
He looked at the pistol.
The noise had been getting closer for some time. Subconsciously, he had been aware of it. The fire, the gun, and his sense of loss had dulled his senses. But the patter of claws on concrete was unmistakable now. The dogs were outside the small house. On the other side of the window. He could hear their whimpers and snuffling. They could smell him and they would get to him.
They will eat him. They would eat him. They eat whatever they can.
He slid his knife from the sheath on his thigh. Held the pistol in his right hand the knife in his left. Slowly, he shifted his weight, moved onto his knees, and aimed the pistol at the door.
He waited.
The dogs were making their way around the house. They padded quietly to the front of the house. The door was broken. They didn’t need to break in. The snuffling was incessant, frenzied even. At first he thought it was only two, perhaps three but now he was sure there were more. Five, ten even. And they were coming regardless of what he thought about it. Thinking like this sent his mind reeling, and he knew that. A mind spinning out of control released its command of the body. His heart raced, his breath flooded, and his eyes closed.
Control it. Breathe. Breathe.
It only took a few seconds. A few deep, long exhales and his eyes opened again. The steady rhythm returning to his chest.
Inhale. Exhale.
The heart is always the last to steady. The pulse of blood slowing. Hands returning to their sure, reliable, usable state. He cocked the hammer and point the gun at the door. Sights rested at a spot low on the ground. Dog height.
The rush of blood still warbled in his ears as the door moved. Slightly.
They nudged it once.
Then it was open and three hounds surged forward. He let off three shots. Two dogs dropped. Their thin, mangy bodies lay still just inside the room. The third leapt towards him and bit down hard on his face. He screamed and reflexively brought his hands up. The gun clattered to the floor, but the knife sank into the side of the mongrel. He pushed and stabbed and grunted. Panic set in.
He was going to be eaten alive. He’d come all this way to be killed by a dog. Eaten. The days and the weeks spent travelling all for naught. His goals. His dreams. His hopes. Gone. Swallowed by a vile, scraggy mutt. As he struggled and flailed at the dog, he thought about the last words his brother had said.
“You’ll die out there.”
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